Running from Suitors
"It soon became very clear to Eleanor that while she remained single she would be at the mercy of fortune hunters. Twice, as she was making her way to Poiters, would-be suitors, with covetous eyes on her vast inheritance, attempted to abduct her. At Blois the future Count Theobald V was plotting to seize her on the night of 21 March 1152; forewarned in time, and protected by her escort, she was forced to flee under cover of darkness, taking a barge along the Loire towards Tours. Farther south, at Port des Piles, near the River Creuse, where she intended to make a crossing, Geoffrey of Anjou, younger brother of Henry, lay in wait for her. Again she received a warning from 'her good angel' -- possibly a member of her escort -- and narrowly evaded capture, swinging south to where she could ford the River Vienne and, avoiding the main roads, make a dash 'by another way' for Poiters."
Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir.