Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days

I've had this book for more than a year. Shortly after purchasing it my work-life got slammed (one of two company rebranding efforts) and I had to set the book aside. As noted in a previous post, I have decided t solidify my knowledge of XML, and as this is the only book (of the five) I have which starts from the beginning, I picked it up once more.So far it has been easy going, I completed the first three "days" yesterday and feel that I have a decent grasp on the fundamentals covered. The Sams "Teach yourself..." series seems to be pretty reliable and easy to stick with for the most part, thus encouraging me to follow the lesson plan instead of skipping ahead, which I have a tendency to do.The author relies a little too much on future learning for my tastes, (often stating "in future chapters you will learn...") which is fine in small doses, but it crops up a bit too often.All in all I'm happy with the book and I'm looking forward to the in-depth lessons to come.