What should have been a routine domain transfer turned into a bit of an ordeal. A typical transfer should take about three days to complete, allowing some leeway for the name to trickle down to all of the name servers and ISPs.Well, somewhere along the line a server mixed up the second domain name server thus splitting traffic between the old host and the new one. Causing much consternation. Time Warner (my ISP) continued to point to the old host. A bit annoying to say the least.When I chatted with the techs via their Web site, I was given several answers to my questions regarding their DNS. One tech even told me that they only update their DNS once a month! Typically, an ISP will refresh once every 24 - 48 hours.So, I called them and got ahold of a great tech who noticed that the problem was with their DNS and a day later all was fixed. He also reassured me, that they refresh their DNS every night at midnight. Whew!My friend Pamela passed along a great link which should prove useful the next time I need to transfer a domain: CheckDNS.net. The site provides a report on DNS delgation, as well as Web and mail servers for any domain you have it check.