Apparently one of the neighbors five houses down and across the street has a buddy who likes heavy bass. A buddy who doesn't turn down the volume while talking to the neighbor for ten minutes solid. My insides shudder in a near-rhythmic pattern, not quite enough to be uncomfortable, but easily enough to be annoying.This is annoying in and of itself, but what really annoys me is the fact that when I went outside to locate the source of the sensation I could hear the trunk rattling. Even more pathetic than the desire to let everyone in a half-mile radius know what you are listening to, is the lack of quality when doing it. How hard is it to mount a subwoofer properly and secure the trunk lid to ensure that your precious music isn't marred by the dull metallic rattle of your car falling apart?Personally, if I was trying to make a musical statement, or just listening to my tunes really loud I would be embarrassed by a half-done job. I almost walked over there to explain the concept of "quality" to the guy, but decided to leave it well enough alone.