Blanket Statements in Web Design

Brandy at posted a conversation she had with a coworker concerning the use of blanket statements in about Web Design. For those of us designing and developing sites professionally, certain blanket statements are a regular fixture at meetings. In addition to the three she mentioned (pop up windows are bad, Flash is bad and everything should be a click away from everything else) we are faced with people who have read an article in an industry magazine, lightly touching on a subject, or even worse spoke with a sales rep from a company peddling some new technology that will "revolutionize the way people use the Web". It's the statement of the day that gets me. How do you respond to well-intentioned ignorance when it surprises you in the midst of a conversation?I often wonder if these same people second-guess electricians wiring their house or tell a mechanic that they should use a different color hose for their oil line because they saw a picture of a car with a blue hose in Popular Mechanics.