
Joel Barciauskas of fluxt.org sent me a really cool letter from my contact page yesterday. It's always cool to meet new people via the 'Net. When you get a chance check out his site as it has some interesting articles on it (hopefully with more to come). The layout is hi-tech presentation while remaining comfortable to look at. It helps that I generally love color palettes that are made up of gray-blues. One day I will add some alternate designs to my site at least one of which will make use of a similar color set.Apparently Joel will be working on a project called Eagle Eyes which make use of technology to help non-verbal people use computers. An amazing use of technology to say the least.Joel is also buddies with one of the guys getting sued by the RIAA. Man... I won't go into a rant about the RIAA at this point as so many others on the Web have done a much better job of it. But, here are some links to RIAA-related stories: