Man we lucked out! After driving up to Missouri and back (only 25 minutes or so) we finally found the Bella Vista Animal Shelter right on the edge of the state line. At the shelter were many great dogs from which we chose one to meet and introduce to Maddy.Surprisingly enough Maddy didn't bare her fangs, though she was extremely freaked out which wasn't a surprise. After I picked her up out of the car and brought her close to the other puppy they sniffed each other a bit. It was far from a party, but as they are both a bit skittish it was a good start. The new pup (who doesn't have a name yet) is quite friendly and became a good deal more comfortable with us humans over the hour or so we were there.Sadly we couldn't pick her up today as she still needs to get fixed, but it sounds like we will get to bring her home Friday morning at the latest! Much like Maddy was, she will be pretty tired due to the surgery. But hopefully she will recover a bit over the weekend and acclimate to her new home.We took pictures of course.