Christian Exodus

Apparently some on the extreme right have decided that the "U.S. Constitution has been abandoned under our current federal system", and thus it is time to " re-introduce the Christian principles once so predominant in America to a sovereign State like South Carolina". The full posting is located at: Christian Exodus :: Come Out of Her, My People (note, that is their page title, I didn't make it up - look at the top of your browser window while visiting the site to verify this). Another interesting quote from the page: > is orchestrating the move of thousands of Christians to reacquire our Constitutional rights and, if necessary to attain these rights, dissolve our State's bond with the union. Click on our Plan of Action page to find out how we can experience God-honoring governance once again.So, if I read this correctly, the fact that the right had larger turnout in the last election than they have experienced in decades, thus re-electing an Evangelical Christian to the Presidency, and solidifying a conservative Republican hold on the Legislative branch wasn't enough. So, they are threatening to take over a state and quite possibly secede from the Union. Boy, that's a novel concept. I'm sure it will have just as much success as the last time South Carolina seceded from the rest of the country.This is why I don't like extremists (no matter which way they lean) - they think up ideas, that, while they are amusing, ultimately make me shudder at their utter lack of awareness and understanding of the world.