Design Inspiration - Part One

A while back I set up a folder in my bookmarks to store links to sites that I feel are good sources of design inspiration. Some are merely beautiful in their own right, others are the portfolios of designers and design companies who produce amazing work for their clients. On those days when I struggle for direction and vision I spend some time visiting these sites, letting go of the constraints of my current project to immerse myself in the new visual experiences the sites provide. I focus on the details of a particular part of the design, a texture, a shadow or a subtle curve and take that idea to heart, becoming the starting point for my own design inspiration. It is amazing how a small piece of someone else's work can spark my creativity, ultimately leading to a design that looks nothing like the first. Hopefully these sites will prove helpful to others stuck in the design doldrums.

This is the first entry in my design inspiration series, please see parts two, three and four for further inspiration.