INDUCE Act - Part 2

Just a quick follow-up to my previous post about the INDUCE Act. The esteemed Lawrence Lessig has provided some commentary on the situation and added a little more information in the form of Senator Hatch's floor remarks regarding the bill. His statements are worth a read, assuming you are up for translating politician-speak.Mr. Lessig, also notes that "there is talk that this massive new layer of federal regulation of technology will happen without hearings — indeed, that it will be passed in the next weeks." So, not only are we at risk of losing our rights to use media that we own in a manner we so choose, we may lose it by the whims of a small group instead of Congress as a whole. But hey, the bill is bi-partisan! We can blame these members of both parties for bowing to the will of the media industry instead of the people the are supposed to represent:Isn't it good to see our tax dollars at work...?