Dave Shea comes through for the Web development community yet again! One of the most frustrating cross-platform problems that I run into with new designs is the poor implementation of the CSS property min-height. For those not familiar with this property (and its siblings max-height, min-width and min-height), it/they provide the ability to set minimum/maximum values for the height and width of a container. So, you may want to have a box that is at least 50 pixels wide, even if the contents of that box aren't that wide. You could also ensure the box won't stretch wider than 150 pixels using max-width. Sadly, the ability to set, these most basic of design goals is hampered due to the variations of browser implementation.Enter Mr. Shea and his min-height: fix, which appears to work, though it does require a bit of CSS hacking. Personally, I think the results should more than justify the use of hacks for most sites.