SilverSpider Play List

I have rolled out the first release candidate of SilverSpider Play List , a set of PHP scripts that gathers a list of recently played songs from a media player plugin, such as Now Playing, and with the help of Amazon, turns it into a nice list of album covers for presentation on a Web site. The script is partially founded upon, and inspired by the Do Something/AllMusic script created by Amy of Domesticat and Scriptygoddess fame. There are some nice little features built in to detect missing album covers, account for discs that have various artists and multiple output formats, to name a few.You can see it in action on this very page (to the right), as well as on Pamela's site.As this is still in testing phase, I am not providing a download package yet, but, if you drop me a line, I will e-mail you a zip file with everything you need to install and use the script.