
No matter your political bent, it should be pretty obvious that both major parties here in the U.S. spin every possible situation to either make themselves look good, or make their opponent look bad. It isn't just a Republican thing, nor is it just a Democrat thing. Both parties are guilty of it. Then again, so is every major corporation, and I am willing to bet all of us as individuals. It's human. But, another important human trait is to seek the truth. This is especially important as we approach an election that is set to have a major impact on the direction of our country and our world.At this critical juncture in time, we, as Americans have a decision to make. The more information we have about each candidate, the better prepared we are when it comes time to make the decision in the voting booth. The hard part is wading through all of claims and accusations, especially considering the fact that the majority of us do not have the time, knowledge nor the fortitude to research every word to come out of a politicians mouth.That's where Spinsanity enters the picture. Their goal is simple: to counter "rhetoric with reason". While they claim to be non-partisan, I have just found this site, so I cannot guarantee that the site does not lean in one direction or the other. But judging by the first five stories, they appear to refute claims of both presidential candidates.Thanks to Eric Meyer for posting a link to the site.