Font Sites

Sarah and I have spent a bit of time of late talking about, and looking at fonts for use in her resume. In addition, I have been doing a good bit of design work for personal sites, so I have been in search of several fonts that are 'perfect' for the design at hand. So, I have decided to compile a compendium (that is a fun word to say - try it) of font sites that meet the following criteria:
  • Provide quality fonts
  • Are not hosted on a free server (Geocities and the like) as those sites tend to disappear
  • Are not providing illegal font downloads - as best as I can tell at least
While there are a ton of font sites out there, most of them overlap. As it is rather pointless to list sites with the same content, I try to choose the sites that are stable and easy to use. If you notice that any of these links are broken, use pop up ads (which my browser blocks) or have suggestions for additional sites, please drop me a line or leave a comment!

Of Special Note

  • WhatTheFont - If you are trying to identify a font used in an image, give this immensely helpful and easy to use tool a shot.

Professional Font Foundries & Sellers

Font Collection Sites & Free Fonts

1001 Free Fonts - A ton of free Mac and PC fonts Abstract Fonts Ænigma - Freeware fonts designed by Brian Kent Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering - Professional and free fonts Blue Vinyl Fonts - Free and professional fonts available Chank Free Fonts - Some great, original fonts Da Font David Rakowski Dave Bastian's free fonts - A nice collection of his own designs Divide by Zero - Designed by Tom Murphy Famous Fonts - Based on movie ant TV titles and lettering Font Face Fonthead Design - Also have professional fonts GemFonts Highlights - Some truly nice fonts Larabie Fonts - Original fonts, by the person who eventually started Typodermic (see Professional above) Manfred Klein - Unique, in a good way Pixel Fonts - Specifically designed for on-screen rendering at small point sizes. They are perfect for that task. Pixilate - Free for personal use, contact for commercial Pizza Dude - Some great for purchase and free fonts - "[C]ontains over 7,000 free fonts and over 19,000 commercial fonts" TypOasis

Typography Resources

Note about Comments: I have disabled comments as this post has become a popular target for comment-spammers. Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions you may have for this list.