The Mac OS X speed FAQ is impressive in its comprehensive glory. I need to look through it to see if I can speed up Sarah’s Powerbook which has been running slow of late.
Archives for July 2005
Drag & Drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS
Drag & Drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS – including the option to save the list. Tasty!
ThinkGeek is selling a new board game called Polarity, a strategy game that utilizes hovering magnetic discs. While I have a natural inclination to compare it to Pente or Othello, the game play promises a unique experience:
Utilizing the forces of magnetism, players take turns placing hovering magnetic discs on the board in order to impose chaos on their opponent. This chaos, which causes discs that are in play to come together in a flash of magnetic frenzy, results in scoring opportunities. Stacks of more than one disc (towers) are counted as points and the player with the most points at the end of a game wins. Those are the basics.
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla
Hat Tip
Pamela, thanks for the heads-up. Time to batten down the hatches.
OS X Web Development Editors
Jeff Croft asks “Which GUI OS X text editor do you prefer for HTML/CSS/JS development?” I’m noting it for the day that I get a home computer that is strong enough for development work.