Another Take: Firefox Extensions

Stuart Robertson of Design Meme has posted a concise write up of his Top 5 Firefox Extensions for Web Designers. I wasn't aware of Aardvark, but it looks to be quite useful. The other two extensions that aren't on my list of Firefox Extensions, are ones that I continue to monitor. Hell, the geek in me has happy little daydreams about each of 'em.GreaseMonkey has grown in popularity in a very short time, and while I like the idea of having the ability to script other sites, I just haven't taken the time to install and play with it. I think it will be very addictive for someone like me...I haven't used for a couple of reasons. The first is the fact that I don't like the idea of relying on an external entity to host my bookmarks. I need to spend some time researching the ability to sync my local bookmarks with For now I keep my bookmarks synchronized using my own server. The second, reason is the same as the one I noted for GreaseMonkey. I think I would spend a lot of time tagging and tinkering.Perhaps I will add these to my list o' things to do on my holiday time off...