I need to revamp the aging Apocalyptic Dreaming, as its current incarnation is three and a half years old. While there are some tempting whiz-bang features available in content management systems these days, all I really want is to:
- make it easier for a user submission to be posted to the site - right now, the submissions are e-mailed to me, then I cut and paste them into MovableType
- add threaded comments - the site has just under 1200 comments across about 400 entries
- refresh the design - the current 800 x 600 constraints need to be eliminated and the table-less design was one of my first, so it isn't anywhere near as efficient as I would like
- The ability to port the existing MT entries into the new system
- The ability to easily modify the layout via a template system - having to modify the systems core files to eliminate markup is a bad thingtm
- The ability to set up multiple authors/moderators
- The ability to categorize entries under multiple sections
- Many more points that are inferred by their existence in systems like MT and WordPress
- PHP 4.x
- Produces semantic (X)HTML - or allow me to easily modify the templates
- Produces clean, search engine friendly URLs
- Solid and devoted user/developer community