The Rebirth of the End of the World

The time has come for Apocalyptic Dreaming to rise from the pitiful state that it has devolved into. Running for years with an old design atop an outdated content management system, the site had become a burden to me, its creator. So, I present a revitalized site, ready to display its much improved strength, reliability and extra floppy appendages.

Dear Lord...What have I done?!

Many many many changes have been implemented and much toil was experienced in order to bring forth a stronger site. These changes include:
  • Porting the site from MovableType 2.6 to WordPress 2
  • Designing a new standards-compliant (XHTML + CSS) site from the ground up, with a focus on readability, usability and future expansion.
  • Implementing a user registration system (through WordPress) which will speed up postings of new entries while easing my workload.
  • Discrete implementation of Ad Sense to cover a little bit of the cost incurred for running the site