So, I ran across a little QuickSilver tip which may be old news for the QS power users, but was new to me: QuickSilver is a a great timer for reminders. So, say you need to call someone in 30 minutes, but you don't want to have to keep monitoring the clock as you are working on a project, writing e-mails etc. You could use a dashboard widget, or a kitchen timer, but why not use QuickSilver? It's pretty damned easy:
- Open QuickSilver (cmd-space) and type a period (.) to open the QS text box
- Type your message (Call the restaurant to confirm tonight's reservation) and hit the tab key to move to the commands pane
- The first option is to display as large text, make sure its highlighted and hit ctrl-enterto save that command to be used in conjunction with the next command:
- Choose 'Run after Delay' or 'Run at Time'
- To have your message appear on screen in half an hour, type '30m' (30 minutes) in the box and hit enter.