Most folks can ignore this post, but as I promised to get a list together, I decided it was easier to post here than e-mail it out.Here are the some things I'd like for Christmas:
Other Schtuff
- "Hungry" hat
- Victorinox Swiss Army Tinker Pocket Knife (Black) I just found my pocket knife after 6 months!
- Flickr Pro Account Subscription
- Henckels Twin Signature 7-Inch Santoku
- Xbox 360 Live 1600 Points
- The Sandman Vol. 1
- The Sandman Vol. 2
- The Sandman Vol. 3
- Acrobots
- Polarity (Newly Added)
- 1 Dot Grid Book (Newly Added)
- 1 Action Book (Newly Added)
- Neverlate Executive Alarm Clock - Out of stock at the moment, but I am more than happy to wait for it to ship, even if it doesn't arrive until after Christmas.