Here are the most recent bookmarks that I have saved to Ma.gnolia.
Vector Magic
Vector Magic – precision bitmap to vector conversion online
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
“Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) gives you a list of posts and/or pages related to the current entry, introducing the reader to other relevant content on your site.”
“A small, free plugin for Safari that adds keyword search to the browser’s address bar.”
Monoprice sells audio and video cables and accessories for a lot less than most stores.
Illustrator tips, tricks, and tutorials
Pro Sharpening in Photoshop CS3 using Smart Filters
“In Photoshop CS3 you have the ability to use Smart Filters. Your layer turns into a Smart Object first and then when you apply filters to it you can modify them over and over, because they are non-destructive.”
Publishing iCal calendars using cPanels Web Disk feature, a .mac alternative
This write up describes how to publish to a shared host via Web Disk. Hopefully the steps are relatively the same on other hosts.
How to recreate Silverback’s Parallax
Paul Annett of Clearleft shows you how he put tog
ether the cool parallax (a pseudo-3D sense of depth) effect on the Silverback site.
ether the cool parallax (a pseudo-3D sense of depth) effect on the Silverback site.
Dock Library
Dock Library is an application that takes the headache out of managing styles for your Leopard dock.
Download styles from sites such as or Once downloaded, there’s no need to expand or unpack the file, just click “Add Dock” to add it to Dock Library.
When you have some styles in your library, you’re a simple click away from changing the look of your dock. No hunting through hidden system directories, just select the dock you want and click “Set Dock”.
The Best Fortune Cookie Ever
A site dedicated to the best fortune cookie ever.
Configure a New Dell in 38 Easy Steps
Can’t afford that new MacBook Air? In just 38 easy steps you can get yourself setup with a new Dell laptop instead.
Table-Based Layout Is The Next Big Thing
“IE8 will be the last of the major browsers to add support for CSS tables, which will enable designers to use table-based layout techniques without misusing HTML table markup.”
Extensible CSS Interface I: The Foundation
This is the first article in the four-part series, “The Highly Extensible CSS Interface”.
Bacon Curls
Yet another amazing way to cook bacon.
Bacon Cups
Make a cup or bowl out of bacon.
Free Photoshop Actions to Boost Your Designs
What are Photoshop Actions? An action is a series of tasks that you play back on single file or batch
Shrine of the Mall Ninja » LonelyMachines
“This is a collection of the wisdom posted on the internet by a guy calling himself Gecko45.” Funny as hell, but a bit scary too.
jQuery Tutorials for Designers
“This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery.”
SXSW 2008 Scheduler
“An all-inclusive SXSW calendar featuring official and non-official panels/shows/films.” MUCH better than the official panel calendar.
My SXSW 2008 Schedule
The panels that I will be attending, or at least am thinking about attending at SXSW Interactive.