Here are the most recent bookmarks that I have saved to Ma.gnolia. | Austin High-Tech Online
door64 is an online community of high-tech professionals in Central Texas. We’re all about helping you become more well-connected through online and face-to-face networking.
The goal of this website is to gather every rule of thumb on earth into one gargantuan, easily searchable online reference database that will be accessible from anywhere in the world and continue to grow forever.
Code Collector Pro
Code Collector Pro is a storage app for code snippets. From HTML to Cocoa, C++ to Ruby, Code Collector Pro looks after all your code snippets, letting you quickly reference them whenever you want. OS X only.
The GoMedia Arsenal Calling Card Competition Winners
With over 200 entries from a very talented group of individuals, it was mighty hard to pick two winners of the GoMedia Arsenal Calling Card Competition! Jeff Finley from GoMedia and Cyan Ta’eed from Eden were the judges
Found Typography – a photoset on Flickr
“Wonderful and inspirational type found on my travels. Plenty more to follow…”
Web App Charts
“Our aim is to get a definitive idea of the most popular web apps out there – as used by real people. Please visit the site and vote for the single most wonderful web app that you use and couldn’t live without – it could be the most useful, the most brilliantly designed, the best value for money.”
The Futures Lab – leaders in the future potential business
“COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color schemes and themes. With a scratch pad to save colors you’re working with, a photo tool to extract colors and an advanced color picker and color theory wheel to give you tons of color inspiration. Using COPASO you can save your palettes to a private folder or download them to your local computer. When you’re ready, click publish and share your color palette with thousands of other color enthusiasts.”