"There are a few versions of buffalo chicken chili circulating the web, but I came up with a variation that I think adds much more texture, intense flavor, and plenty of heat while minimizing the labor and time. And best of all, this chili recipe is quite healthy."
"The Adobe’s Creative Suite 4 packages have this interesting gradient style effect. It looks like a grid of swatches going from one color to another in subtle gradient effect. If you have ever wondered how you create this effect, then I invite you to take the jump and read on. "
"The Magazine and Community for a New Generation of Parents"
"A jQuery plugin to parse urls and provides easy access to information within them, such as the protocol, host, port, the segments that make up the path and the various query string values."
"Let yourself be taken by the hand through the world of visual interface design, and learn how to design icons for your own application, website, or company. "