A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
Does anyone out there have an awe.sm invite code that they'd be willing to send me? Pretty please. :) [#]
Should be interesting to see how Facebook adapts Friendfeeds' ideas and direction. FF tends to be more forward-thinking than its new owner. [#]
Web devs, if you need to laugh or cry, view this site's source: http://bit.ly/3m6yAs via @alexknowshtml [#]
Shared HighlightCam
Reading HighlightCam: "HighlightCam is a webcam video service that automatically finds the best parts.. http://highlightcam.com/ [#]
My lunch went from a quick "to go" to an enjoyable experience after I bumped into a good friend. I love how small Austin can be. [#]
RT @airaustin: Want to show off your Web dev skills? Registration for AIR-Austin 2009 is now open! Read more at: http://bit.ly/nN2mw [#]
So Tr.im is resurrected, but its future is unknown, so I'm not keen switching back. This is a sad state of affairs. [#]
Another great, active turnout at Refresh Austin tonight. I love this community. [#]
Big thanks to @LaurenRoth and @AnneGentle for presenting at @RefreshAustin. Both topics were well received and sparked many conversations. [#]
When people stop buying a product overloaded with junk/calories, the maker introduces a "light" version. Oh, hi FB lite: http://bit.ly/7T7F6 [#]
FYI, the super awesome HomeSlice link is courtesy of Mr. @sryder. @fearphage you should blame him, not me... [#]
Google changed the "Mark all as read" button in Reader; now we can mark all or only items older than a day, a week or two weeks. [#]
So there I was, a ferret in one hand, a bottle of Jack in the other and a long road ahead of me... [#]
Reading TweetRiver: "Find every tweet to and about your business, route it to the appropriate resource,.. http://tweetriver.com/ [#]
RT @yehaskel: If you're not following @searchoftheday, you're missing a good opportunity to feel better about yourself. [#]
Streaming Netflix to the 360 while defining/building a UX prototype framework for work and sipping a gin and tonic. Sweet sweet Saturday. [#]
So far my shows on Netflix today include a documentary on Crips & Bloods, and episodes of Man vs. Food and Fight Quest. Hell. Yeah. [#]
Shared Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!
How did I not know about Buffalo? http://bit.ly/wu3X2 A lifetime drinking game, gotta love that. [#]
Sweet, SXSW has dropped the 5 star rating system for a simple Yes/No vote. Much easier and allows us to weed out bad ideas. [#]
It's SXSW Panel voting time! I would truly appreciate it if you'd take a minute to vote for 'Social Sentinels': http://bit.ly/sxsw10-1 [#]
Want the latest and greatest topic at SXSW this year, check out The Last Panel In: http://bit.ly/sxsw10-2 Let's keep SXSW up-to-date. [#]

"HighlightCam is a webcam video service that automatically finds the best parts of your videos--and shows you just those parts. We make it easy to find where your cat did a backflip or a burglar broke into your house--and one click lets you jump to the same spot in the original video, to see and hear the whole thing. "