Weekly Digest for August 31st

A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
twitter (feed #6) RT @statesman: One-day-a-week watering policy goes into effect in Austin today (well, for most of us) http://bit.ly/31e9S1 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Posted: Weekly Digest for August 24th http://bit.ly/2smJld [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Typedia: A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces http://typedia.com/ [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin http://bit.ly/RUQch [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Hand & Arrow Icons http://bit.ly/W2V0k [#]
twitter (feed #6) Just followed @ShitMyDadSays after a recommendation from @damon. I had to stop reading to ensure I don't cry from laughter. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Prepping to head out to #SMBAustin to listen to a panel lead by @robquig on the topic of mainstream media going social. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Great questions at #SMBAustin today and each is answered very well. I can't wait to apply some of these great ideas. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Find the right website size for every audience with the Web Canvas | Methodologie: 'The idea.. http://bit.ly/OFmb2 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Compatibility List http://bit.ly/woMJ4 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading 36 Color Gradient Sets For Photoshop http://bit.ly/ow3hy [#]
twitter (feed #6) 'Demand Media is a Page View Generating Machine - And it's Working': http://bit.ly/18ZQBC [#]
twitter (feed #6) Hey Outlook Web Access, no one likes crashy apps. Just sayin'. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Add tabs for multiple docs to Word, Excel and PowerPoint: http://bit.ly/oPkeq Sweet Sweet organization. HT @sryder @yehaskel [#]
twitter (feed #6) RT @hayesdavis: if you thought TARP, etc were just government handouts to the rich: http://bit.ly/BSKAj - handouts don't make 23% returns [#]
twitter (feed #6) Dropped my 360 off at UPS to ship to Microsoft so they can turn red lights to green lights. I miss Netflix streaming more than gaming. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Ikea to shed personality by switching from Futura to...Verdana(?!) in all marketing materials: http://bit.ly/Rfclh HT @pat_ramsey [#]
twitter (feed #6) Oooh, Things now supports plugins, including ones for QuickSilver, Google Quick Search Box and LaunchBar, plus quick entry auto-fill [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading True Deliciousness - The Bacon Chicken Narwhal http://bit.ly/xBNpZ [#]
twitter (feed #6) Hey Web Designers - @damon is looking for a designer for a quick fun, 1 page web site idea "your name in lights in the footer". Hit him up. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Congress Speaks: "An exploration of the words spoken in the 110th Congress" http://bit.ly/9PZRV [#]
twitter (feed #6) Ahh, this explains my new followers (howdy y'all!): 'Twitter accounts every Austinite should know': http://bit.ly/AusTwits [#]
twitter (feed #6) Anyone have trustworthy, recent data of browser usage across a wide swath of the Net? I've found this: http://bit.ly/3e23VI [#]
twitter (feed #6) What's with the Web Development resume @ spam recently? Grrr... [#]

Apple's official incompatible with Snow Leopard software.

twitter (feed #6) Reading Mac OS X v10.6: About incompatible software: Apple's official incompatible with Snow Leopard.. http://bit.ly/17JEjH [#]
twitter (feed #6) Very impressed with Microsoft xBox Support. My 360 reached them on Friday and it's already being shipped back. Great customer experience. [#]