Weekly Digest for November 30th

A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
twitter (feed #6) Reading jQSlickWrap: A jQuery plugin "which allows you to wrap content around irregularly shaped im.. http://bit.ly/4nagGl [#]
twitter (feed #6) Posted: Weekly Digest for November 23rd http://bit.ly/5DiFOp [#]
twitter (feed #6) Very excited about the @AustinOnRails/@RefreshAustin/WordPress Austin holiday party. Keep Dec. 8 open - details to come. [#]
twitter (feed #6) If you have more than one computer, and/or an iPhone, I highly recommend you use @DropBox (it's free!): http://bit.ly/07IlieK [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/5SJoHy [#]
twitter (feed #6) Allergies hit me mid-afternoon. :p Not happy with this slightly sore throat. [#]
twitter (feed #6) The tortilla: humble yet awesome. [#]
twitter (feed #6) I really wish the Nintendo Screen Saver ran on Macs, but sadly I must lust after it from afar: http://j.mp/6keha8 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Posted (KickSpark): Two Questions to Ask Yourself http://bit.ly/8L4Twk [#]
twitter (feed #6) Holiday potluck was great. The best part of the meal was the bacon cheesecake.Yes, I said Bacon cheesecake. You may envy me now. [#]
twitter (feed #6) RT @demandrichard: comScore’s Worldwide report for October just came out. Demand Media is #30, up from #31 last month. [Sweet!] [#]
twitter (feed #6) Kindle software update includes native PDF support (+ conversion to Kindle format) and better battery life: http://j.mp/5xJ4jw [#]
twitter (feed #6) Whole foods wasn't insane yet, so my morning grocery run was speedy, now on to the next task before people begin filling the stores. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Picking up new dinner after the pan with our previous meal fell to the floor, filling the food wit — at House Pizzeria http://gowal.la/s/mZ9 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Picking up new dinner after the pan with our previous meal fell to the floor, filling the food with glass. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Updating my Kindle with the new firmware for PDF goodness and throwing a few custom images into the screensaver flow. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Very happy with the new PDF support on the Kindle. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Alex vs. Coconuts - Alex wins. Cocunuts don't have power tools. [#]
twitter (feed #6) So far, for Thanksgiving (theme: everything on a stick): coconut shrimp, chorizo bites and roasted corn, next p salmon. This evening: Smores [#]
twitter (feed #6) Roasting homemade marshmallows for smores (left: chocolate marshmallow, right: Irish cream marshmallow). http://twitpic.com/r3dtl [#]
twitter (feed #6) I'm at Phil's Icehouse in Austin, TX http://gowal.la/s/4xx [#]
twitter (feed #6) "don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Subtle innuendo follows; must be something inside" [#]
twitter (feed #6) At the Alamo Drafthouse to see Men Who Stare at Goats [#]