Weekly Digest for February 1st

A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
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Reading Awesome Overlays with CSS3's Border-Image Property: http://bit.ly/6eIjka [BaldMan]
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Reading 20 Sets of Photoshop Brushes for Vintage Style Design: http://bit.ly/6Iwj0m [BaldMan]
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RT @davatron5000: in case you missed it, i spoke with @getify on the @atxwebshow about web performance... http://j.mp/6IVXG1 [BaldMan]
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Posted: Weekly Digest for January 25th http://bit.ly/8tqYEB [BaldMan]
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Reading Complete/Non-Queuing Animations with jQuery: http://bit.ly/83tISf [BaldMan]
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Reading How To Calculate A Return On Investment: http://bit.ly/7JGX1j [BaldMan]
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TEDxATX didn't want me to give 'em money this year, yet they feel that "maybe next year" I'll ask to give 'em money again. Pft. [BaldMan]
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Reading The Writing Practice: http://bit.ly/8CViue [BaldMan]
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Reading Zemanta: "a tool that looks over your shoulder while you blog and gives you tips and advice, suggests r... http://www.zemanta.com/ [BaldMan]
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Posted: Trendspotting: It’s Your Job http://bit.ly/8epPSO [BaldMan]
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Very happy to find Mass Effect 2 waiting on the doorstep when I got home. [BaldMan]
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At the Austin Social Media Breakfast. Great turnout as usual. I love the chance to catch up with people in person and meet some new folks. [BaldMan]
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RT @BryanPerson: Not at this morning's #SMBAustin? Follow along on UStream starting right now: http://budurl.com/SMBAustinLiveStream [BaldMan]
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RT @jasford: Anyone Twitter searching for #smbaustin might enjoy this instead. Same tweets, better visualization: http://budurl.com/smbfeed [BaldMan]
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"So @Maczter, when's the first brunch?" @Baldman asks on Twitter Sven though he is sitting next to the man. [BaldMan]
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Austin is number 3 in the list of cities complaining about not being in Twitter's local trending cities list. [BaldMan]
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RT @damon: OH: "It's like an iPhone that doesn't fit in your pants." [BaldMan]
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It seems like the New York Times still doesn't get that screens are not paper. Use the media to better serve the content please. [BaldMan]
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Ouch Amazon... iBooks. [BaldMan]
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The Kindle's hardware days are numbered. Amazon needs to focus on the platform and content, especially with iBooks being .epub. [BaldMan]
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iPad starting at $499... Yeah, again - bye Kindle. [BaldMan]
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One thing no one seems to be mentioning, but is *big* - the iTunes store has 125 million accounts with credit card info. [BaldMan]
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RT @vt_mruhlin: Plants need to die. Your mating rituals are none of my business. Please leave my sinuses out of it, ok? [BaldMan]
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Happy birthday @pat_ramsey. I hope it's a good one my friend. [BaldMan]
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Reading Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex: http://bit.ly/aSLy6E [BaldMan]
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RT @doingmedia: Lots of new jobs on the Refresh Austin Jobs Board! http://ow.ly/11nGW [BaldMan]
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Reading The Lean Startup: "Eric Ries' presentation on lean startups. From Steve Blank's Customer Development cours... http://bit.ly/abItmI [BaldMan]
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Posted (KickSpark): Some Tools to Make Life Easier http://bit.ly/cSIIzO [BaldMan]
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Looking forward to the Power of Tribes panel that @mgenovese, Craig Foster and I are leading at @CareerCONNECTS tomorrow. Will you be there? [BaldMan]
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Looking forward to catching up with @mrflip and meeting @joshdilworth in person tonight at Mother Egan's. [BaldMan]
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Unhappy Hipsters: http://bit.ly/cT0auK My Favorite so far: http://bit.ly/a9h4Pk [BaldMan]
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If you get the chance to hang out with @mrflip or @joshdilworth I recommend you jump at the opportunity. I had fun + learned a lot tonight. [BaldMan]
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One of the most prescient explanations of the future of computers and the difference between users: http://j.mp/aHhpfv [BaldMan]
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Wow, long line to sign in @careerconnect. I hope I'll be done in time to catch @chrisbailey and @shoogie's panel. [BaldMan]
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RT @fgsquared: FG2 is hiring a Senior Web Apps Developer - check it out and pass around! http://bit.ly/6igRIJ [BaldMan]
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The Tribes panel with @mgenovese ans @craigcfoster was packed and a lot of fun to participate in; thanks to all who joined us! [BaldMan]
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Thinking about the great conversations yesterday with @TheJenATX, @shoogie , @laniar, @mgenovese, @BennRosales and @chris_bailey. Thanks all [BaldMan]
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