Many of you may already be aware of it, but in case not, I thought I'd point out that Jonathan Snook has released a site/ebook called Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS or SMACSS (pronounced “smacks”). If you've read any of his previous stuff or had a chance to meet him at past events like South by Southwest Interactive, you know he's a smart cookie, and nice to boot.SMACSS is an interesting look into Jonathan's process and structure, and as he puts it "a way to examine your design process and as a way to fit those rigid frameworks into a flexible thought process. It’s an attempt to document a consistent approach to site development when using CSS."I've personally spent a lot of time thinking about how I organize my CSS, so I love the opportunity to see the path that Jonathan has followed. We follow different practices in some cases (organization of attributes for example), but at a minimum, reading through his choices has caused me to think about the patterns I have set for myself.Beyond the content, I love the fact that he's sharing it publicly on the Web, in ebook format and via a third "Full Membership" option, so the information is freely available but he's still able to profit from his efforts. I've signed up for that last option, in part to support him, but also because I'm excited to see what he'll release to those members.Image from the SMACSS site