“The foundational Fonts CSS file offers cross-browser typographical normalization and control.” Thanks Yahoo!
Mmmm Code Snippets
Code Snippets is an online resource, providing a central user-writable repository for chunks of reusable code. A stroll through the language-agnostic site provides a plethora of tasty bits and bytes from many programming languages and frameworks. Each snippet can be tagged and each tag can be followed via RSS. Users can comment on snippets as well, which is invaluable for anyone deciding whether or not they want to try out a piece of code.
CSS 2.1 Properties reference
The CSS 2.1 Properties Reference from Cultured Code provides a compact package of CSS specs and their meanings.
Unordered lists, discs, diamonds and you
An interesting little tidbit I picked up today whilst banging my head against my desk: when Firefox renders a page in Quirks mode, unordered lists that specify ‘disc’ as the bullet of choise are instead rendered with diamonds.
Efficient WebDev Tip
The post Write Stylesheets Simultaneously has a great tip for easing the initial development of a new site. Instead of manually reloading your browser each time you want to view your changes to your markup or CSS, throw a simple meta refresh into the HEAD so the page will reload automatically every N seconds. A second tip is provided a bit farther down the page – so check it out.