Entries tagged with “ios”
- The Travel Focus Mode from Matthew Bischoff
- Shortcuts Catalog
- The Ultimate Guide To iPhone Resolutions
- One Weird Trick to Lose Size
- Workflow Archive
- How-To: Migrate notes from Evernote to Apple Notes
- The best apps for handwriting with the Apple Pencil and iPad Pro
- Best Apple Pencil Apps for people that don't draw
- MobileMozaic
- On The Future of iOS and Android
- Screensiz.es
- Remote Preview
- iOS 6 GUI PSD iPhone 5
- human.io
- iOS Icon Gallery
- iOS Photoshop Actions & Workflows
- pttrns
- lovely ui
- Troubleshooting a battery-sucking iPhone 4S
- Design Then Code ~ iPhone & iPad Interface Design Tutorials
- Controlling text size in Safari for iOS without disabling user zoom
- Apple publishes six free e-books for developers