FitText – A plugin for inflating web type
From the makers of Lettering.js comes another awesome jQuery type-focused plugin: “FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.” Yet again, @trentwalton, @davatron5000 and @raygunray release a killer utility that developers, designers and users alike will benefit from.
The timing of this release meshes perfectly with my redesign of Refresh Austin.
Web font services – An Overview
Open Source Ampersands
A collection of single-character, open source webfont sets, which only contain ampersands.
Fonts In Use
“Type at work in the real world.”
Why You Hate Comic Sans
“So, the story of Comic Sans is not that of a really terrible font, but rather of a mediocre font, used incorrectly on a massive scale”