Entries tagged with “utilities”
- Raycast Time Zone Conversion Extension
- Shortery - The Missing Mac Automator
- JSON Crack - Crack your data into pieces
- Miller
- exa · a modern replacement for ls
- A Time Zone Converter Script Command for Raycast
- Warp: The terminal for the 21st century
- Vivid
- Autoflow
- Pika
- awesome-macos-command-line
- Notion Charts
- Putting Notion in my Mac's menu bar
- Sound Control
- Hangout Toolbox
- Browser Fairy
- How to use Chrome single-site browsers on a Mac
- TNEF's Enough
- Xiki
- Bark for Growl
- Brush Pilot
- Translate Tab
- Sidestep
- CSS Lint
- ifttt
- Switching to Chrome: Essential Extensions
- Plex
- Creating a Table of Contents in OmniGraffle with AppleScript
- Omnigraffle Sitemap Generator from Sitemap.xml
- Change Case Service
- 30 Fantastic Geeky Tricks to Get The Most From Your Mac
- TotalFinder
- Optimal Layout
- Could Google Quick Search Replace Quicksilver?