I've finally decided to give the
Pandora music recommendation service a try and enjoying it thoroughly. The system is built upon the
Music Genome Project, which assembled "literally hundreds of musical attributes or "genes" into a very large Music Genome... [capturing] the unique and magical musical identity of a song - everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rich world of singing and vocal harmony." All you have to do is type in a band name and it makes the connections to other interesting groups, streaming the music to you via an Internet radio station.So why am I checking it out now?
PandoraBoy. This handy little app eliminates the need to run a browser in order to use Pandora. So I can listen to the tunes without taking up a tab in Firefox. I am also able to control it with hot-keys and my Apple remote, so if I don't like a song while I'm in my reading chair across the room, I can skip it, just like I do with iTunes. Add to that, the built-in
Growl support and you have a ell rounded, focused app.Thanks to
The Unofficial Apple Weblog for
introducing me to PandoraBoy and spurring me on to try it. Now, to add the ability for it to write out to
SilverSpider Play List...