How will your city feel in the future?
Highlight from ‘Project Hail Mary’ by Andy Weir
Cool thing about pendulums: The time it takes for one to swing forward and backward—the period—won’t change, no matter how wide it swings. If it’s got a lot of energy, it’ll swing farther and faster, but the period will still be the same. This is what mechanical clocks take advantage of to keep time. That period ends up being driven by two things, and two things only: the length of the pendulum and gravity.
Andy Weir in Project Hail Mary
BBC Sound Effects
over 33,000 clips from across the world from the past 100 years
BBC Sound Effects
over 33,000 clips from across the world from the past 100 years
Highlight from ‘The Gatekeepers’ by Chris Whipple
(Sabra comes from the Hebrew for prickly pear cactus, a desert plant with needles on the surface and sweet fruit within.)
Chris Whipple in The Gatekeepers
Highlight from ‘Legacy code’ by Ángel Siendones Sillero
Legacy code is often defined as “code that makes more design decisions than the team working on it”. Could we define a legacy process as “one that makes more decisions on how a team functions than the team itself”?
Ángel Siendones Sillero in Legacy code