Entries tagged with “link”
- ARETE — Visual History of the Latin Alphabet
- Monoblocc
- TabTab
- LeaderKey.app: Faster than your launcher
- AeroLOPA | Detailed aircraft seat plans
- Trump launches a shitcoin
- Hamburgers
- Things we learned about LLMs in 2024
- Wakamai Fondue
- Codingfont
- Building Python tools with a one-shot prompt using uv run and Claude Projects
- Surf
- Liquid Prompt
- CSS HD Gradients
- CSS Grid Generator
- Sill
- Open Props: sub-atomic styles
- Cosmica typefamily from Labor & Wait
- Cosmica typefamily from Labor & Wait
- Utopia
- Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers
- Storyboarder.ai – Revolutionize Your Storyboarding Process
- Branding the World’s Newest Country
- Phosphor Icons
- The secret inside One Million Checkboxes
- Font with Built-In Syntax Highlighting
- MakerSkillTree: A repository of Maker Skill Trees and templates
- Game UI Database
- What will climate feel like in 60 years?
- Follow the Crypto
- Explain that Stuff
- Calculating Empires
- BBC Sound Effects
- Evaluating PM Performance
- Proportio.app
- Quick tip to install/remove a doorknob
- How to Build a Small Solar Power System
- The No Symbol: The History Of The Red Circle-Slash
- An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries
- MockUPhone
- Giant 'sand battery' holds a week's heat for a whole town
- The Ellipsis is Widening the Gap Between Millennials and Boomers
- Movie Posters Perfected
- Anytype - The Everything App
- A formula for responsive font-size
- Coordinate your interviews with assertion-based interview plans
- Vision Pro is an over-engineered “devkit”
- Readwise API
- State of startup compensation, H2 2023
- Notes from migrating 24 years of blog posts from Wordpress to Ghost
- Okay, Color Spaces
- RSS Anything
- A simple guide to local LLM fine-tuning on a Mac with MLX
- Name Sans
- How to Clean Deep-Fry Oil Using Gelatin
- Large language models, explained with a minimum of math and jargon
- How to Quickly Get to the Important Truth Inside Any Privacy Policy – The Markup
- Catching up on the weird world of LLMs
- M5C - Anker's 3D printer
- Run Llama 2 on your own Mac using LLM and Homebrew
- StableStudio: Community interface for generative AI
- Tiny Awards
- Selecting the right product metrics
- Elstob
- How to set your domain as your handle - Bluesky
- Colour maps
- Meet passkeys - WWDC22 - Videos
- The PM Career Ladder: Your Unofficial Guide
- Gling AI
- How the Mayan Calendar Works: Scientists Finally Cracked the Code
- JSON Crack - Crack your data into pieces
- Rotato
- The Product Lexicon (v2)
- Miller
- exa · a modern replacement for ls
- OKLCH Color Picker & Converter
- OKLCH in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL
- Former fire insurance adjuster gives advice on how to file claims for fire damage : reddit
- SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons
- The Style Guide for America’s Highways: The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Skiplagged: The smart way to find cheap flights.
- Elgon Financial Advisors
- Product management templates
- Upscayl
- Warp: The terminal for the 21st century
- Agile and the Long Crisis of Software
- Vivid
- Artvee
- felt right
- The Travel Focus Mode from Matthew Bischoff
- Travel Backpack | Nomatic
- Make Beautiful Gradients in CSS, with linear-gradient, radial-gradient, or conic-gradient.
- The Kool Aid Factory
- The Holloway Guide to Equity Compensation
- Remnants of the Precursors
- DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator
- Secret Whiteboard: Flip From Work to Home In One Motion
- Behaviors of Healthy, Data-Informed Teams
- Music-Map
- Bring an old Mac back to life by installing Chrome OS on it
- Crownduit Molding System
- Autoflow
- Assistiv Labs
- Shortcuts Catalog
- Gradient Generator
- SmolCSS
- eco | sonnen
- Frontitude
- Pika
- 2020 Tools Survey Results - Uxtools.co
- IINA - The modern media player for macOS
- The Vintage Beauty Of Soviet Control Rooms
- Which apps are optimized for Apple Silicon?
- ViDL for Mac
- n8n.io - Free and Open Workflow Automation Tool
- When To Expect Election Results In Every State
- Rhetological Fallacies
- Research Skills Framework
- Available
- WindowSwap
- 2-Ingredient Ice Cream Bread Recipe | Ben & Jerry’s
- 30 Black Illustrators
- The awesome Mac OS Catalina fonts you didn’t know you had access to
- No-Knead Skillet Focaccia Recipe | Serious Eats
- How to Use The Remote Culture Canvas
- BrowserFrame | Wrap screenshots in browser frames
- awesome-macos-command-line
- Notion Charts
- A creative person’s guide to negotiating
- "Queer in Tech" free stock photos
- Putting Notion in my Mac's menu bar
- Design Leadership Talks
- Notion Articles — Red Gregory
- Notion Examples
- Joblint
- 7 Uses for CSS Custom Properties
- Back-to-School Guide: Must-Have Apps for Dyslexic Students
- 100,000 AI-Generated Faces
- Design Census 2019
- Storybook
- International Carry On Sizes
- Tandem - A virtual office for remote teams
- How To Build A Sketch Plugin With JavaScript, HTML And CSS (Part 1)
- 8 resources for diverse stock photos
- Boooom — Design Management and Leadership Jobs
- The World’s Writing Systems
- The Toolbox Toolbox
- My Weekly Notion Setup | Kevin Jalbert
- Diversity means difference- a guide to inclusion in tech
- Pronounce Names - Dictionary of Name Pronunciation, How to say or pronounce names, Name pronunciation website
- Data Populator
- Another Lens
- The Gender Spectrum Collection
- Everyday Backpack 20L & 30L - Peak Design
- Humane by Design
- /communiti
- Good Job Descriptions • Job descriptions from the most loved companies
- 2019 Design In Tech Report by @JohnMaeda Always insightful
- Beautiful Free Photos for Everyone | Barnimages
- Flow - Animate Sketch Designs in Seconds, Export to iOS/Web/SVG
- The American Tailwind 
- Download Free Coloring Books from 113 Museums | Open Culture
- WOCinTech Chat | Flickr
- Learn Git Branching
- From data to Viz
- Turning Type Sideways
- Dimensions.Guide
- How to make DIY Charcoal Salt
- Listen Notes
- Web Design Experiments by Jen Simmons
- Traversing the UX Prototyping Landscape – Lucid UX Design
- Evaluating Employees in Product Design & Development Roles
- Videos from the Leading Design conference
- Instant Pot (Pressure Cooker) Spicy Pineapple Pork
- The Wisdom and/or Madness of Crowds
- Common Sense Media
- How Etsy Formats Currency - Code as Craft
- The Bail Project
- Duotone Effect Generator
- Designed Space - The culture of design studios
- REX - Real Estate Exchange
- How Long Does a Remodel Take? – Board & Vellum
- The Algorithmic Justice League
- The Ultimate Guide To iPhone Resolutions
- Identity Theft, Credit Reports, and You
- Absolute vs. Relative Timestamps
- Method of Action
- Analyzing the Gender Representation of 34,476 Comic Book Characters
- How to solve your diversity problem – Code Like A Girl
- Lists
- Sketch Material
- Flow
- A Network of Thrones
- What’s the Difference Between Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, and Aleve?
- How PayPal Onboards New Users
- One Weird Trick to Lose Size
- NoCoffee
- Standard Ebooks
- Stark
- Design Principles
- 6 major tech companies have doubled their design hiring goals in last half decade
- Applying systems thinking in product design
- Vector icon speed runs
- 30 free Sketch plugins to grab right now - InVision Blog
- Women Who Design
- Team and Strategy
- How to Set JSON Endpoints in WordPress to Access an External API
- Stripe Atlas: The best way to start an internet business
- Free business guides without the business speak
- CSS Grid Layout Terminology, Explained
- Why You Need Two Chiefs in the Executive Office
- Workflow Archive
- Grid Layout - a Collection by Gabi on CodePen
- Use This Mini Thesaurus Of Action Verbs To Improve Your Lame Resume
- Stop Auto-Play Videos from Annoying You in Your Browser on macOS
- Tabletop Whale
- Drawing Books
- Color wheel | Color schemes - Adobe Color CC
- Colormind
- Handwriting Resources
- International Color Symbolisms Chart
- Coca-Cola braised carnitas
- Tech Forward
- Product Management Kanban Board
- Element
- How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Slack
- Hiring Managers
- Women Who Draw
- Cate’s Career Coaching Process (AKA A Process for Finding Your Next Job)
- Austin360 Booze Guide
- Award Winning Map Shows a More Accurate World
- Based on a *True* True Story?
- Router configuration - easy security and enhancements
- Woodworking For Mere Mortals - YouTube
- Questions I'm asking in interviews - Julia Evans
- Slash Webtask
- text-spinners
- UI Movement
- Cognitive bias cheat sheet
- 15 Essential Packages to Get Started With Electron
- Essential Electron
- Badassify your terminal and shell
- Nobody lives here
- Sound Control
- The Open Guide to Equity Compensation
- Insights from 100 SaaS Companies: Why It's Time to Rethink Your Packaging Strategy
- CSS Writing Mode
- A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
- The PaperBot
- The 50 Greatest Burgers in Texas
- Get the Thunderbolt Display Serial Numbers from the Command Line
- GitLab Team Handbook
- A Comprehensive Guide to Font Loading Strategies
- 50 Google Sheets Add-Ons to Supercharge Your Spreadsheets
- Interactive Game of Thrones Map
- Japanese Matchbox Labels
- How-To: Migrate notes from Evernote to Apple Notes
- Product Design Industry Report 2016 | InVision
- The True Size Of…
- Submarine Cable Map
- PixelSquid
- Comparably
- Yucatán-Style Hot Dried-Chili Salsa (K'uut Bi Ik) Recipe
- Retire.js
- Home - TakeItApart
- Metrics Spreadsheet for Every SaaS Company
- Cheatsheets — for web development and more
- git-sketch-plugin
- Sketch Runner
- A better way to remove ticks
- Color Lisa
- Microsculpture - The Insect Portraits of Levon Biss
- Procreate Tutorials
- The Way We Build : Airbnb Design
- Humanae
- The best apps for handwriting with the Apple Pencil and iPad Pro
- Styleguide
- Faux-Vide
- Best Apple Pencil Apps for people that don't draw
- Capacity Building Program | Economic Development | AustinTexas.gov - The Official Website of the City of Austin
- SaaS Financial Plan 2.0
- Lingo
- Massively speed up Time Machine backups
- App Marketing Stack
- AWS Public Data Sets
- proselint
- Regulating English with retext-mapbox-standard
- Typ.io: Fonts that go together
- Meekan
- logomono project
- Hangout Toolbox
- Bulma
- Craft by InVision LABS
- Exuberant designer skins for the insides of Mumbai's taxis
- CodeTriage
- GoodUI
- Unless I Hear Differently
- Influencing Web Layouts with Print Layouts
- 6 Great Contemporary Alternatives to Helvetica
- Tips for Public Speaking – speaking.io
- Diverse Device Hands
- Mocky: Real HTTP mocking
- Devices — Facebook Design Resources
- Swiss in CSS
- Content & Display Patterns
- Colordrop
- Elastic SVG Elements
- loader.io
- A Responsive Guide to Type Sizing
- Measuring Price Elasticity And More – AVC
- Browser Fairy
- 12 Questions To Ask Your Future Employer
- Botkit by Howdy
- Flexbox Grid Finesse
- ColorHexa
- One Approach to Getting Another 5-10k on Your Offer
- Sketch App Sources
- Radical Candor — The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss
- Clippy — CSS clip-path maker
- Want diverse applicants? Post your job openings here.
- B-Corp - Thinga
- Check MX
- Global DNS Propagation Checker
- Diffd
- 4th Gen Apple TV Tips, Tricks and Useful Settings
- Angled Edges with CSS Masks and Transforms
- 43 ways to calculate SaaS churn (and why you should just keep it simple)
- Folio
- Peel
- SVG Logos
- Legoizer
- The Classic Apple Watch Band by Pad & Quill
- Monowear
- dmarmor/epichrome
- Medicine Bottles for Malawi
- 15 Awesome CSS3 Text Effects
- Vertical Centering in CSS
- How Japanese Kids Learn To Multiply
- BreakpointTester
- Typeset.js
- MailChimp Style Guide
- Quantity Queries
- Mockaroo
- The Perfect Polo for Every Body Type — Bloomberg Pursuits
- Using Pinterest Data Attributes and Meta Tags
- Web Color Palettes and Material Design Color Schemes & Tools
- Synomin
- Streamline Icons
- ish. yet another viewport resizer.
- In Pieces - 30 Endangered Species, 30 Pieces.
- On the Grid: a designer's guide to New York
- Name Age Calculator
- Ramen
- Input
- Emmet
- Kitematic
- Boxen
- The First Question to Ask of Any Strategy - HBR
- The Nifty MiniDrive
- Professional Web Typography by Donny Truong
- HTML Arrows
- Agile Domain Search
- Syncing Zendesk with GitHub: Setting up TissueApp
- Layzr.js
- Apple Watch User Guide
- Passport Index
- Pricing Your Product - Sequoia Capital
- Designing the Hiring Process
- The UX Reader
- How to write a good bio
- CustomMade
- Typecast by Monotype
- hood.ie
- Form
- Hire More Women In Tech
- Sodium Citrate Will Turn A Block Of Cheese Into The Creamiest Nacho Sauce Ever. Get Some.
- RemoteIE
- Nimble HR
- Paletton
- Levle
- Simply Secure
- Design Patterns on CodePen
- Git FAQ
- Creating color palettes with adjustment layers
- Typ.io
- QuickMVP
- Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
- A Better Queue
- 11 Useful Tips for Getting the Most of Slack
- IS-01 Interactive Whiteboard System
- How I increased conversion on my checkout form by 60%
- Google Maps Fans Take On The Insane Geography Of Game Of Thrones
- shortcutFoo
- MobileMozaic
- Private Parts
- Really Good Emails
- Squirt
- gremlins.js
- git - the simple guide
- Writing Style
- The Up to Date Cocktail
- Brandfolder
- Openings - First lines from books, poems, songs & movies
- Six Things Every Designer Should Know About Copyright
- Ian's Shoelace Site: Lacing Shoes
- A Pocket Guide to Master Every Day’s Typographic Adventures
- Animating Link Underlines
- Got Apple TV for Christmas, any cool tips anyone?
- How to copper coat anything metal
- BrandColors: a collection of major brand color codes
- A Reddit thread listing Items that come with a lifetime warranty
- LICEcap
- Accents of English
- How to Prep for a Presentation
- How to Override Your Hotel's Thermostat Controls and Make it as Cool or Hot As You'd Like
- A Study in Steel 1935
- Fulfilled by Amazon: How to get rid of old stuff immediately, sell it for more, and use Amazon as a cheap storage facility
- The guy who created Doom and Quake teaches you physics
- On The Future of iOS and Android
- Jennifer Hoelzer's Insider's View Of The Administration's Response To NSA Surveillance Leaks
- How to use Chrome single-site browsers on a Mac
- Postman
- My outsourced Life - Esquire
- Viewport Sizes
- Butterick’s Practical Typography
- 100 Things You Need To Eat This Summer in Austin
- Slowy app
- Another way to attract women to conferences: photography policies
- Developing Strong Product Teams
- Visualising CSS selector matches
- Speaker Notes
- Effectively managing memory at Gmail scale
- “How will they make money?” is the wrong question
- Clipping Magic
- Unicode Support Table
- Ladda - CodePen
- Screensiz.es
- Media Queries
- adobe-webplatform/balance-text · GitHub
- The Top 50 Barbecue Joints from Texas Monthly
- TNEF's Enough
- Swoop Bags
- This Is Responsive
- InterviewThis
- American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns
- Save bandwidth with webP – soon with fallback!
- Retro Vectors
- It Will Be Exhilarating
- Why We (Still) Believe in Working Remotely
- Hidden Doors, Secret Rooms, and the Hardware that makes it possible
- /purpose
- TowTruck
- Unfit for Work: The startling rise of disability in America | Planet Money
- CodePen
- The Hidden Lever to Raise Aisle Seat Armrests on Airplanes
- Coffee and Chipotle-Rubbed Steak Kabobs with Stout Molasses Pan Sauce
- Time Zones
- Typeplate
- Torchy's Secret Taco Menu, Revealed | KUT News
- Debuggex: A visual regular expression debugger
- Middle-earth Map
- Table plans
- Strokes in Photoshop CS6
- Layer tags in Photoshop CS6
- Photoshop Grids
- Design Jargon Bullshit
- Indigo Studio
- PlaceIt
- Framer
- Business Model Fiddle
- The Old(er) Fashioned - Classic Cocktail | Liquor.com
- Old Fashioned 101
- Gemicon
- The Perfect Old Fashioned
- Conditional loading of resources with mediaqueries
- Unheap
- Remote Preview
- UX Archive
- iPhones & iPad minis PSD
- Random Shopper
- Toys from Trash
- Design Salary Guide
- Chrome Devtools Cheatsheet
- CountryCode.org
- A Comprehensive Collection of Free UI Kits & Templates
- Noise Texture Generator
- How Zappos' User Agreement Failed In Court and Left Zappos Legally Naked (Forbes Cross-Post)
- iOS 6 GUI PSD iPhone 5
- Patternify
- Scotch Pronunciation Guide
- The Product is the Byproduct
- Crit.io
- Specificity Calculator
- An Evaluation of Typeface Design in a Text-Rich Automotive User Interface [PDF]
- Scrollbars Through the History
- Patterns in Strategy Formation [PDF]
- Mysterious Underwater ‘Crop Circles’ Discovered Off the Coast of Japan
- Fuck Jetpacks
- TileMill
- CSS Values
- iPhone 5 PSDs
- Xiki
- Bark for Growl
- Yeoman
- Faced with a Five-Page Limit, Lawyer Files Cartoon Amicus Brief
- human.io
- 50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do
- Download OpenX Source
- Fribbble
- Timeline JS
- The Kraus Map Collection
- The Martini FAQ
- Promoting from within vs. hiring from the outside
- Easy app metrics with Pup
- The Men’s Sunglasses Matrix
- The Art of War: A Graphic Novel
- The Silent City - The Silent City Series
- Kaggle
- Get Save As back on Mountain Lion's File menu easily and without hacks
- Hiss
- Money as You Grow
- A VC: MBA Mondays: Guest Post From Angela Baldonero
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- 23 Air Travel Tips From Super Frequent Fliers
- Collections
- Paid Vacation? Not Cool. You Know What’s Cool? Paid, PAID Vacation
- An Explanation of Photoshop Blend Modes
- Email Client Market Share: June 2012
- iOS Icon Gallery
- A Community of Possibilities
- Unicode string generator
- Cicadients
- Cup and Handle Definition | Investopedia
- It's all about the Jaw!
- 350 Pixel Perfect Icons
- swombat.com on startups
- Today's Corporate Meeting Challenge
- Solar Shingles
- Stylesheet Download Tests
- Asymmetric competition [Video from Mobilism 2012]
- Mobile Platform World [Video from Mobilism 2012]
- Mobile Apps with JS [Video from Mobilism 2012]
- How to Roll Up Your Sleeves
- Parking Lot Safety
- WhenAUser
- The Shapes of CSS
- Datavisualization - Selected Tools
- IdeaPaint Dry Erase Paint
- WordPress local dev tips: DB & plugins
- The Web Platform: Browser technologies
- Mobile Battery Performance
- SuperAgent - Ajax with less suck
- Buxton Collection
- The Case of the Coffee Smart Cover
- World travel with the unlocked US Verizon iPhone 4S
- NoRelevance.com
- iOS Photoshop Actions & Workflows
- About those vector icons
- Android niceties
- Me, My Money, and My Devices
- Style Tiles
- Austin works to become hub for mobile Internet industry
- Font Awesome
- Responsive.is
- The Responsinator
- Kiwi Crate
- How to Naturally Reset Your Sleep Cycle in One Night
- HTML5 Dev Conf: Webkit in Your Living Room - Netflix
- Star Wars: Machete Order
- Responsive Layouts, Responsively Wireframed
- Ghostly Wallpapers
- Blended Whiskey and the Single Oak Project
- Mobile UI Patterns
- Responsive Navigation Patterns
- What’s the waiter doing with the computer screen?
- Woz on Creativity: Work Alone
- Mobile Testing on the Cheap
- Front-end Job Interview Questions
- Colllor
- Mobile Web Resources | Mobile Web Best Practices
- Pears
- Better Numerical Inputs for Mobile Forms
- * { box-sizing: border-box } FTW
- FSI Language Courses - Chinese
- Learn Chinese For Business? The Pros And Cons : China Law Blog
- Responsive Design Test Bookmarklet
- Coding Horror: On Parenthood
- Defending Privacy at the U.S. Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices
- A Pixel Identity Crisis
- China's Internet users cross 500 million
- Thrilling and Amazing! – 15 Tips for an Extraordinary Vacation.
- Shim
- The Phone Stack
- GuideGuide
- The Richard Feynman Trilogy: The Physicist Captured in Three Films
- Pricing experiments you might not know, but can learn from
- 40 Web Fonts for Body Copy
- HTML5 Cheat Sheet - Browser Support
- Texas Native Wood Height Adjustable Desk
- Modern art was CIA 'weapon'
- Fashioning Apollo: How the Spacesuit Was Made, Against All Odds
- In Caffeine We Trust
- Write Logs for Machines, use JSON
- A Geek’s Guide to China’s Silicon Valley
- Homemade Tater Tots
- Ultra-Crispy Slow-Roasted Pork Shoulder
- Christopher Hitchens: A Reading List : The New Yorker
- Study More Chinese
- The Story of W&L: China’s Great Internet Divide
- Tynt Users Opt Out
- Android: A visual history
- A Bag of Holding
- Patterns
- pttrns
- lovely ui
- Android Interaction Design Patterns
- Foundation
- Bad Passwords with Chinese Characteristics
- Boiled omelets
- Space Ipsum
- What are the most addictive loyalty programs? - Quora
- Money
- Garlic Potato Fries
- The legal history of "fuck" [PDF]
- Mobile Life
- Sina Weibo Releases U.S. User Numbers
- Sciencebob.com
- Foursquare Venues, Wikipedia Articles, Census Data and More… All With Just an IP Address! | Infochimps Blog
- The The Two Things You Must Know When Choosing Your China Brand Name
- Activities for 2 Year Olds
- Infographic: The Most Valuable Digital Consumers | Nielsen Wire
- Redesigning the Country Selector
- How China Rocks iOS: Usage, Upgrading, and Updating
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- Ultra-Crispy Roast Potatoes
- Retronaut
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- Condo at the End of the World
- Flurry Extends Its AppCircle Into Crowded Mobile App Engagement Market
- PlugBug Charger
- Prefix free
- WordPress Post Formats Admin UI
- Android Orphans: Visualizing a Sad History of Support
- Troubleshooting a battery-sucking iPhone 4S
- Which China social media platforms do prestige brands choose?
- jQuery Timelinr
- East Asian Cultural Perception in UX / Interface Design
- Brush Pilot
- Thoughtful China
- Choosing A Bag :: One Bag
- Barbecue: Pastrami
- Our Mobile Planet
- peculiar snapshots
- Sjntax
- Mandarin Madness: The Tones
- 10.7: Dual Monitor full-screen app trick - Mac OS X Hints
- How Facebook Mobile Was Designed to Write Once, Run Everywhere
- Pinyin Chart - Learn Chinese Online Everyday
- Pinyin Practice
- The Kindle Fire
- 10 Omnigraffle tips you might not know (plus one bonus!)
- Translate Tab
- evoz
- Interview with Douglas Raymond, CEO of Julu Mobile
- China, Austin and Mobile Development
- αlphaPun.ch
- Tethras
- Cherry-Smoked Vietnamese-Flavored Ribs
- Dumb Americans | Seeing Red in China
- Mobile Roadie Wants to be the Chinese iTunes for App Developers
- The Font-Bot Project
- Refreshing Vintage Wood
- The Multi-Size Web
- Made in Russia: Vintage Curiosities of Soviet Design
- 18 PSDs For Mobile Phones UI Design
- Shorter media queries
- How to win a DEMOgod award at the DEMO conference
- The Greatest Customer Service Story Ever Told, Starring Morton’s Steakhouse
- David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' Recreated As Children's Book
- HTML5 Video Player
- Yoink
- Adaptive Images in HTML
- Sauced: Cherry Barbecue Sauce
- Misadventures in VC Funding: The $24 Million Moz Almost Raised
- BugHerd
- Scout
- The Kid Should See This.
- Proxino
- Viralheat Developer Center
- History Of The Stack Exchange API, Mistakes
- Fast FAQ/Quick Tips for the Murano
- Debugging the HTML5 Filesystem API
- spin.js
- The Heads-Up Grid
- LESS.app For Mac OS X
- Golden Grid System
- What happens to user experience in a minimum viable product?
- Re-tabulate
- An open letter to speakers
- FlexSlider
- 39 Ridiculous Things To Do With CSS3 Box Shadows
- Find and Download PDF Manuals of Electronic Products using Amazon
- jQuery.fracs
- Anatomy of a HTML5 Mobile App
- Introduction to the Page Visibility API
- Verify
- Debt Ceiling Deal: The Devil Is In The Details
- NounProject
- The First Imperial Walker, Plus Full Crew
- Pusher
- Prefixr
- Best of Sprouter: 25 high impact startup answers to remember
- 7 Chrome Tips Developers & Designers May Not Know
- Flexible Nav
- Sinon.JS
- Ascensor.js
- Chosen
- The Campaign For Real Monopoly
- 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder
- Inside insides
- Smoosh
- Grilling: Rum-Glazed Pineapple with Toasted Coconut and Vanilla Ice Cream
- Sidestep
- Copywriting For Geeks
- Tattly™ Designy Temporary Tattoos
- Fractal | Email HTML/CSS Validation
- Cook the Book: Fleisher's Spareribs
- Using cron to Trigger wp-cron.php |
- WordPress Excessive Overloading Your Server - Solving the wp_cron.php Resource Issue
- Mobilizer
- List of bookmarklets for mobile debugging
- Mastering the Art of Burger Blending with Eight Cuts of Beef
- How to build a web widget (using jQuery)
- Crispy Chicken Wings with Seven-Spice-Powder Marinade
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- Rapid Prototyping with flickrBomb
- jQuery Waypoints
- Ultimate Round Up of Free Photoshop Patterns
- Sprite Cow
- Achievement Design 101
- Dear Photograph
- CSS Lint
- A Whole Bunch of Amazing Stuff Pseudo Elements Can Do
- Getting Funded: Market, Product, Team
- YouTube - Fold a shirt in only 2 seconds !
- Bacon Ipsum
- 12 Fun CSS Text Shadows You Can Copy and Paste
- Genesis Quick Tips
- 123RF Stock Photography
- QLStephen
- Skeleton
- Advanced Google Analytics for Startups
- Styling ordered list numbers
- Loading Typekit fonts asynchronously
- Better Semantics with CSS Combinators & Selectors
- Textify
- Chicago: Whisky at The Bristol is Smokin'
- Japanese graphic design from the 1920s-30s
- CSS Mask-Image & Text
- Yale Digital Commons
- Lost Type Co-op
- Listgeeks
- Letterpress: an Instructional Video
- Design Then Code ~ iPhone & iPad Interface Design Tutorials
- Amazon.com: the Hidden Empire
- 2000 Free Photoshop Brushes
- Flux Slider Demo
- FitText - A plugin for inflating web type
- ifttt
- The only wrong answer is 50/50: Calculating the co-founder equity split
- Microjs
- Now on Roku: A Plex Channel for All Your Media
- Web font services - An Overview
- Craiggers
- Getting Comfortable With Contracts
- Virginia Convention of 1861 - Civil War Collections - University of Richmond
- ender-js/Ender
- How To Scale a Development Team
- The Mark of Cain - Russian Prison System Documentary
- Tileables
- Subtle Patterns
- The Age of the World… in Art
- CSS3 Patterns Gallery
- The Rebel Constitution
- Cheap Magic
- A Toolset For Managing Screen Resolutions
- FFFFALLBACK - A simple tool for bulletproof web typography.
- Support Details
- 24-bit PNG to 8-bit PNG with alpha
- The Power of Google Analytics Custom Variables
- Custom Bamboo Macbook Cases
- Optimizing the asynchronous Google Analytics snippet
- Showoff
- Chinese Style Spareribs
- Soldering is easy - the comic book
- CSS3 Generator
- Bond Mixology
- CSS3 Flexbox
- CSS3 properties accurately explained
- The Cicada Principle and Why It Matters to Web Designers
- Solarized
- WhatFont Bookmarklet
- Griddle.it
- Wu-Note Project
- The Complete Guide to Ribs of the World
- Page Speed Online
- The Burger Lab: What's The Best Way To Grind Beef?
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- HTTP Archive
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- If we don't, remember me.
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