Slick. One of the best color choosers I’ve used.
Looks like a must-have for anyone who uses Photoshop CS4+.
“User feedback and concept testing” on screens or mockups. “See where people click, what they remember, or how they feel.”
via @joemccann
A command line tool “for packaging your CSS & JavaScript projects. It will lint your JavaScript with JSHint, then build and minify your files (if you’d like) with UglifyJS for JavaScript, and Sqwish for CSS.”
“Preview mobile websites, design mockups, and local HTML on Mac or PC.” The preview devices include the iPhone 4, Palm Pre, HTC Evo, Blackberry Storm and more on the way. “Visit any URL or drag and drop local HTML, Flash, or image files”
CSS Lint
We’ve gone too long without a good lint tool for CSS. This one provides syntax checking and applies “a set of rules to the code that look for problematic patterns or signs of inefficiency. The rules are all pluggable, so you can easily write your own or omit ones you don’t want.”