Animated Live Search is a great tutorial written by Steve Smith, which discusses how he has built his site-search. The cool thing is that the search presents its results immediately in a handy container within the current page instead of a new page. Tasty demo included.
Web Development
JavaScript Libraries and Patterns
Over at SitePoint, Kevin Yank discusses JavaScript Libraries and Patterns, running through packages offered up by Yahoo and others. While a bit short on details, it is a good overview and an ideal point form which to dive into the options.
DbVisualizer – Development Tools
DbVisualizer “is a feature rich, intuitive and cross-platform database tool for developers and DBAs, providing a single powerful interface for a variety of databases. DbVisualizer supports simultaneous database connections, it lets you explore and manage database objects, execute SQL queries, visualize information and a lot more.”
Unitless line-heights
Eric Meyer sheds some light on the interesting application of line-height within the cascade, specifically he recommends implementing Unitless line-heights (‘1’ instead of ‘1em’ or ‘100%’ for example) in order to avoid the wrong values flowing down the cascade to descendant elements. I highly recommend you check it out should you be a Web dev type of person.