A slick tool to ease the creation of image sprites and the associated CSS.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Gradients (And a Few Things You Didn’t)
Controlling text size in Safari for iOS without disabling user zoom
How I Use VMWare Fusion and Snapshots
Jonathan's cross-browser testing is pretty slick and answers a couple of questions I've had when thinking about the ideal setup. I think I'll follow this model myself, once I get some time to pull it all together.
Html5 cross browser polyfills – Modernizr
A collection of "all the shims, fallbacks, and polyfills [needed] in order to implant html5 functionality in browsers that don't natively support them."
Multiple Backgrounds and Borders with CSS 2.1
"Using CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements to provide up to 3 background canvases, 2 fixed-size presentational images, and multiple complex borders for a single HTML element. This method of progressive enhancement works for all browsers that support CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements and their positioning."
Supports all browsers except for IE 6 & 7, which I'm alright with.